Why Obama's Re-election Sucks America?

I do not know whether it as Obama Vs Romney


Harry Potter vs, Edward Cullen or
Lil Wayne vs Drake or
Ghandi vs Charlie sheen or
Walt Disney vs. the Warner Brothers or 
Kevin Bacon vs. Tom Hanks or

I do not know!

My First Impression was Obama won. No! Seriously.

Abby cried when election campaign was going on. But now election is over and I am crying.

Well! The reason is very clear. Obama is re-elected. For me his re-election was like a nightmare. In fact, not just for me but for entire USA.

I was following election campaign very closely. Since he became president, I was confident that Obama is a one term president and he is not going to be re-elected again.

However, all our hopes were dashed when yesterday we saw him giving his victory speech. I do not understand why Mitt Romney was not able to pull out.

I  totally believe, people are like sheep that followed Barack Obama. If speech is the only reason that led to Obama's victory then Hitler gave great speeches too.

I only remember Napoleon Bonaparte saying "I Remember When the People of France voted for me"

Hence, I do feel that Americans get carried away very easily. Obama is the proof that such a guy is re-elected.

Now, it is a matter of past, reality is that Obama is going to be our president for next 4 years. So, how Obama in the white house is going to hurt America.

For me it is not about the economy that the debt is $16 trillion!

For me it is not about the Unemployment Rate!

For me it is not about the Obama Health Care or Obama Care!

For me it is more about our fundamentals. 

 Dilution of Americanism

First is Identity. Well! We do not know whether Obama is a Christian or not. If he turns out to be a Muslim then this will be the biggest Con.

How come a Muslim can become president of USA? It would be diluting our Judea-Christian values.

We have to compromise our values. 

For example, Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray Allah.

This is what Obama wants our kids to do in school.

 Republicans in Disarray

But personally for me, the greatest setback is that the republicans are in disarray. It seems that liberal propaganda is succeeding and conservatives are losing.

Some how republicans have to put their acts together and get back America from these liberal scums.

Foreign Policy

Obama has no strategy to deal with Iran's nuclear ambition. I do not think he is going to destroy Iran's nuclear weapon. So there could be a war between Israel and Iran. And that is dangerous.

For me Iran and Israel war could be a nuclear one. Do you want to see a nuclear war?

Internal Security

Well! Failure in foreign policy has direct implications on our Internal or homeland security. If Obama fails aboard then it will be difficult to protect citizens at home.

Obama is too apologetic and I do not see courage in him to take on terrorist who want to kill Americans.

Legacy he will Leave

Lastly, the legacy that Obama is going to leave is not good for America. Obama only knows to apologise. Because of him today America is not respected in the world.

So I am very much concerned about the legacy that he will leave.

We can only hope that our next president would be a republican who can make us all proud to be an American.

You can Share your thoughts with me. 

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